API v2

Omron EU vs US Region

Why are there two regions in Omron?

The existence of two regions in Omron, namely Omron US and Omron EU, is primarily attributed to GDPR compliance and data sovereignty considerations. To adhere to GDPR compliance standards, Omron has established separate clouds for the US and EU regions. Each cloud is independently maintained to ensure compliance with the specific data protection regulations of the respective regions. Users' health and lifestyle activity data, including Blood Pressure Readings, Activity Metrics, Weight, are stored in their region-specific cloud. This segregation is crucial for maintaining data integrity and security, as users from one region cannot access or retrieve data from the cloud of another region. Since Omron prioritizes data privacy and compliance, users are associated with and maintain their data in the cloud of the region where they are based. This is why it is important to create the integation with the correct provider name, which in the case of Omron would either be omron_us or omron_eu. Please note that if you call the endpoint with the wrong region, the user will not be able to sign in to their account.