React Native
Current React Native SDK Version: 2.5.8
React Native Package can be found here
Spike ReactNative SDK is a library on top of Apple HealthKit and Android HealthConnect that
- helps with the extraction of data.
- pushes data to SpikeAPI and delivers standardized data.
- iOS 13.0+
- Android 9.0 +
To add HealthKit support to your application's Capabilities.
- Open the iOS/ folder of your project in Xcode
- Select the project name in the left sidebar
- Open Signing & Capabilities section
- In the main view select '+ Capability' and double click HealthKit
- Allow Background Delivery, if needed.

More details you can find here.
Add Health Kit permissions descriptions to your Info.plist file.
First of all you have to add the required health permissions to a resource file. You can reuse an existing one or create a new one. That allows you to fully utilise this SDK and to read the necessary data from apps that integrate with HealthConnect. Please refer to this guide to understand the specific permissions needed.
Then reference the permissions to your AndroidManifest.xml file in the activity that will call for health permissions.
As well as that you have to add intent filter to your activity definition so that you can request the permissions at runtime.
Install the react-native-spike-sdk package from npm
Use pod install and pod update commands from ios/ folder of your app to install/update pods afterward.
To add the SDK to your Android project, you have to add the following to your project's build.gradle file in the repositories block.
1. Import Spike to your project.
2. Add Spike initialization code to ios/<Project Name>/ file inside application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method.
3. To set up the Spike SDK create SpikeConnection instance with the SpikeConnectionConfig object. From the 2.1.x version Spike SDK automatically manages connection persistence and restores connection if finds one with the same appId, authToken, and customerEndUserId. With each new connection creating call callbackUrl and env could be overridden. Provide SpikeLogger implementation to handle connection logs.
- Please note that for customerEndUserId you should use only AlphaNumerics symbols.
- It's forbidden to use PII data for this parameter.
- HINT: In case on your end you are using PII for EndUserId you could send us a hashed valued to avoid sending plain PII information
Provide permissions to access iOS HealthKit and Android HealthConnect data. Spike SDK methods will check required permissions and request them if needed. Permission dialog may not be shown according to platform permissions rules.
There are two ways to get Spike data: to your webhook or directly in your app. Extract data methods require SpikeExtractConfig object, where date range can be provided optionally. By providing a range greater than one day sample array of the result object will be empty. The maximum permitted date range for iOS is 90 days, while for Android it's 30 days.
Params from and to enable the extraction of local device data for the given time range. The maximum allowed single-query time interval is 7 days. If required, data of any longer time period can be accessed by iterating multiple queries of 7 days.
Extracts local device data for the given time range and sends it as a webhook notification to the customer’s backend.
Ensure callbackUrl was provided to SpikeConnection, otherwise, you will get SpikeCallbackURLNotProvidedException error. The method will return the job information object.
Background delivery enables asynchronous data delivery to the customer backend through webhooks. It enables data updates to be sent to the backend even when the application is hidden or closed. Background delivery is only supported on iOS devices at the moment. Background deliveries will send whole-day data to the webhook.
Note: The Healthkit has its own data delivery prioritization logic since iOS manages the background delivery, and the update frequency is influenced by several factors, including app usage frequency, the iOS version, battery status, and network connectivity. We suggest invoking the 'extractAndPostData' function when the app is launched. For instance, you can extract data from the past 7 days and synchronize it, ensuring that users always have access to the most up-to-date information;
Under your project Signing & Capabilities section enable Background Delivery for HealthKit. Call Spike configure methods on each app start for triggering background delivery tasks. Add Spike initialization code to ios/<Project Name>/ file inside application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method.
Ensure callbackUrl was provided to SpikeConnection, otherwise, you will get SpikeCallbackURLNotProvidedException error. Provide required Spike Data types to enableBackgroundDelivery method, it could be called after the connection is created.
- If dataTypes is not empty, then a daemon task is started which will listen for data updates coming from the platform and send them via webhooks in the background; the operation is not compound and each method call will override the enabled background data types list;
- If dataTypes parameter is empty or null, then background data delivery is stopped for this connection if it was enabled;
You can check if the connection has active background delivery listeners. If background delivery is not enabled, an empty set is returned.
Internally, the React Native SDK supports logging on various levels to assist with troubleshooting. However, to avoid imposing additional third-party dependencies on library users, the SDK expects a concrete logging implementation to be provided externally. This can be done by implementing the SpikeLogger class and providing it when creating or unpacking a connection.
Below is an example of how to implement a simple console logger.
Spike SDK provides background delivery process logs. This can be done by implementing the SpikeBackgroundDeliveriesLogger class and providing it through the connection's setListener method. Below is an example of how to implement a simple console logger.
The SpikeSDK for Android devices integrates with Health Connect for data retrieval. Before publishing the application to the Play Store, application owners are required to complete the Developer Declaration Form available at the following link: Developer Declaration Form
Please make sure that all types are selected from permissions section as shown here
The following table shows the data types that can be read from HealthConnect API and the permissions that are required to read them.
Spike Data Type | HealthConnect permission |
SpikeDataTypes.HEART_RATE | |
SpikeDataTypes.DISTANCE | |
SpikeDataTypes.BREATHING | |
SpikeDataTypes.CALORIES | |
SpikeDataTypes.GLUCOSE | |
SpikeDataTypes.SLEEP | |
SpikeDataTypes.STEPS | |
SpikeDataTypes.BODY | |
Class | Method | Description |
Spike | createConnection | Creates a new SpikeConnection instance with the given user details. Parameters: config (SpikeConnectionConfig), logger? (SpikeLogger) . Returns: An instance of the SpikeConnection class (SpikeConnection). |
Spike | getBackgroundConnections | Returns all connections that are configured to deliver data in the background. Returns: An array of SpikeConnection instances with callbackUrl (Array<SpikeConnection>). |
Spike | ensurePermissionsAreGranted | Verifies that platform-specific permissions corresponding to the Spike data types provided are granted. In the event that some permissions are not granted, a platform-specific permissions dialogue will be presented to the end-user. This method should only be invoked from a UI component. Parameters: permissions (Array<SpikeDataType>) |
Spike | isPackageInstalled | Check if Health Connect is installed on a device. |
Class | Method | Description | iOS | Android |
SpikeConnection | getAppId | Retrieves the unique Spike application identifier. Returns: appId (string) | Yes | Yes |
SpikeConnection | getSpikeEndUserId | Retrieves the unique identifier assigned to the end-user by Spike. Returns: spikeEndUserId (string) | Yes | Yes |
SpikeConnection | getCustomerEndUserId | Retrieves the unique identifier assigned to the end-user by the customer. Returns: customerEndUserId (string) | Yes | Yes |
SpikeConnection | getCallbackUrl | Returns the URL that will receive webhook notifications. Returns: callbackUrl (string) | Yes | Yes |
SpikeConnection | close | Terminates any ongoing connections with Spike’s backend servers, clears any caches, and removes provided user details and tokens from the memory. Once the connection is closed, it cannot be used, and any method other than close() will throw a SpikeConnectionIsClosed exception. | Yes | Yes |
SpikeConnection | extractData | Extracts local device data for the current date in the end-user’s time zone. Optionally time range can be provided. *On iOS, the maximum allowed single-query time interval is 90 days. If required, data of any longer time period can be accessed by iterating multiple queries of 90 days. *On Android the earliest date data can be requested is 30 days before permission was given to the user's app to read from HealthConnect. There is no limit on how many days in total. Parameters: config (SpikeExtractConfig) Returns: An instance of SpikeData. The concrete type will depend on the data type requested | Yes | Yes |
SpikeConnection | extractAndPostData | Extracts local device data for the current date in the local user time zone and sends it as a webhook notification to the customer’s backend. Optionally time range can be provided. *On iOS, the maximum allowed single-query time interval is 90 days. If required, data of any longer time period can be accessed by iterating multiple queries of 90 days. *On Android the earliest date data can be requested is 30 days before permission was given to the user's app to read from HealthConnect. There is no limit on how many days in total. Parameters: config (SpikeExtractConfig) | Yes | Yes |
SpikeConnection | manageHealthConnect | Opens your device's HealthConnect menu, where you can switch on and off data access for the app as well as delete data. | No | Yes |
SpikeConnection | checkPermissionsGranted | Initiates a check on whether all health permissions have been granted to ensure the proper functioning of the SDK | No | Yes |
SpikeConnection | getHealthConnectAvailability | Provides information on whether HealthConnect is available on the device. | No | Yes |
SpikeConnection | revokeAllPermissions | Revokes all granted health permissions for the application. | No | Yes |
SpikeConnection | requestHealthPermissions | Requests all the supported health read permissions from HealthConnect. | No | Yes |
Abstract class allows to receive notifications from the SDK's processes.
Class | Method | Description | iOS | Android |
SpikeLogger | isDebugEnabled | Manages is Debug level logging enabled. Returns: are Debug level logs enabled (boolean) | yes | yes |
SpikeLogger | isInfoEnabled | Manages is Info level logging enabled. Returns: are Info level logs enabled (boolean) | yes | yes |
SpikeLogger | isErrorEnabled | Manages is Error level logging enabled. Returns: are Error level logs enabled (boolean) | yes | yes |
SpikeLogger | debug | Invoked on Spike SKD Debug log events. Parameters: connection (), message (string) | yes | yes |
SpikeLogger | info | Invoked on Spike SKD Info log events. Parameters: connection (), message (string) | yes | yes |
SpikeLogger | error | Invoked on Spike SKD Error log events. Parameters: connection (), message (string) | yes | yes |
Abstract class allows to receive notifications from the background data delivery process.
Class | Method | Description | iOS | Android |
SpikeBackgroundDeliveriesLogger | onBackgroundLog | Invoked on background delivery events. Parameters: log (string) | yes | no |
Type required to create Spike connection instance.
Type | Property | Type | Description | iOS | Android |
SpikeConnectionConfig | appId | string | The unique Spike application identifier | yes | yes |
SpikeConnectionConfig | authToken | string | The unique identifier assigned to the end-user by Spike. | yes | yes |
SpikeConnectionConfig | customerEndUserId | string | the unique identifier assigned to the end-user by the customer. | yes | yes |
SpikeConnectionConfig | callbackUrl | string | URL that will receive webhook notifications | yes | yes |
SpikeConnectionConfig | env | | Spike environment | yes | yes |
Type required to extract data.
Type | Property | Type | Description | iOS | Android |
SpikeExtractConfig | dataType | | The Spike data type to make extraction for. | yes | yes |
SpikeExtractConfig | from | Date (optional) | Extraction time range start date. *Required if to property passed. | yes | yes |
SpikeExtractConfig | to | Date (optional) | Extraction time range end date. *Required if from property passed. | yes | yes |
The abstract parent of all concrete exceptions.
Thrown if any method is invoked on SpikeConnection or one of its subclasses after the connection has been closed.
Thrown if the credentials provided are not recognized, i.e. are invalid or expired.
Thrown if the duration exceeds the allowed maximum or if the ‘from’ date is greater than the ‘to’ date. The message will contain a specific cause description.
Thrown if the callback URL is not a valid URL, does not have HTTPS schema, or is not a sub-URL of the main callback URL configured for the application. The exception message will contain a specific reason.
Thrown when Spike SDK is unable to access the data due to permissions not being granted.
Whenever any operation with the Spike backend fails and the error does not fall into any of the above exceptions. The exception cause will contain the underlying error.
Thrown when a method which requires callback url is called, but callback url is not set for current connection.