SpikeSDK iOS (v3)
Current Swift SDK Version: 4.2.21
Swift Package can be found here (api reference)
iOS 13.0+
To add HealthKit support to your application's Capabilities.
- Open the iOS/ folder of your project in Xcode
- Select the project name in the left sidebar
- Open Signing & Capabilities section
- In the main view select '+ Capability' and double click HealthKit
More details you can find here.
Add Health Kit permissions descriptions to your Info.plist file.
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. To integrate SpikeSDK into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:
pod 'SpikeSDK'
Use pod install and pod update commands to install/update pods afterward.
To integrate SpikeSDK into your Xcode project using Swift Package Manager, add it in your Package.swift or through the Project's Package Dependencies tab:
Start getting Spike data in 3 steps. All Spike SDK async method calls should be wrapped into try catch block.
To set up the Spike SDK create SpikeConnectionV3 instance with your Spike application id, auth token and user id unique to each of your users:
Provide permissions to access iOS HealthKit data. Spike SDK method will check required permissions and request them if needed. Permission dialog may not be shown according on iOS permissions rules.
Info: The maximum permitted date range is 90 days There are two types of data you can retrieve from Spike:
- Records consist of the raw data points collected from user devices or applications.
- Statistics, on the other hand, are calculated values derived from records.
Get daily statistics for steps and total distance from Apple Health:
Background delivery ensures that data updates are sent to your backend via webhooks, even when the application is in the background or closed.
- For most data types the most possible frequency of updates is 1 hour.
- iOS can update data more frequently for some data types, for example, vo2 max.
- iOS may throttle the frequency of updates for background delivery depending on the app’s activity, battery state, etc.
- Background delivery is not possible while device is locked, so it will be executed only when the device is unlocked.
- iOS may stop background delivery if it detects that the app is not active for a long time.
- The feature is available starting with iOS 15.
Important: The SpikeSDK, along with any other HealthKit applications, cannot guarantee data synchronization on a fixed schedule. The hourly sync interval serves as a guideline rather than a strict requirement enforced by iOS. Consequently, the actual synchronization frequency may vary, occurring hourly, once per day, or during specific system-defined events, such as the conclusion of Sleep Mode or when the device begins charging.
- Open the folder of your project in Xcode
- Select the project name in the left sidebar
- Open Signing & Capabilities section
- Select HealthKit background delivery under HealthKit section
Add Spike initialization code to your AppDelegate inside application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method:
For SwiftUI based apps follow few steps:
Create a custom class that inherits from NSObject and conforms to the UIApplicationDelegate protocol:
And now in your App struct, use the UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor property wrapper to tell SwiftUI it should use your AppDelegate class for the application delegate:
To enable background delivery, you need to call the enableBackgroundDelivery method:
Calling enableBackgroundDelivery will overwrite all the previous settings, so you have to call it with all the data types that you want in one call. It accepts all the possible data types that can be delivered in the background (statistics, records, activities and sleep).
You can also call getBacgroundDeliveryConfig() to get the current configuration and disableBacgroundDelivery() to disable background delivery.
If you want to receive logs from SpikeSDK, you can use the following code:
If you are using background delivery, this code should be run in your application’s didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method before you start using SpikeSDK: